Health Care Costs

  • Benefits Breakdown July 2024

    Benefits Breakdown July 2024

    Report: Health Care Costs Are 254% Higher for Privately Insured Patients Than Those With Medicare A new RAND report revealed that in 2022, private insurers paid hospitals an average of 254% more than what Medicare would have paid for the same services, a jump from 224% in 2020. The study found that 2022 prices for…

  • Benefits 101: What Is an HDHP?

    Benefits 101: What Is an HDHP?

    In today’s world of complex health insurance options, High Deductible Health Plans (HDHPs) have become increasingly popular. But with a name like “high deductible,” it’s natural to have questions. Let’s break down the basics of HDHPs: What is an HDHP? An HDHP is a health insurance plan with a higher deductible than traditional plans. This…

  • Up and Away – Healthcare Costs Are Taking Off

    Up and Away – Healthcare Costs Are Taking Off

    Healthcare costs, and consequently employee health benefit costs, have been growing at an alarming rate in recent years. The U.S. as a nation spends more on health care than any other developed country but has worse health outcomes.  How is this possible? Four Key Factors Driving U.S. Healthcare Costs: Aging Population Healthcare gets more expensive…