Preventive Care

  • Investing in Health Prevention and Wellness: A Smart Bet

    Investing in Health Prevention and Wellness: A Smart Bet

    The old adage “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” rings truer than ever in today’s world. While reactive healthcare plays a crucial role in treating illness, a growing emphasis is being placed on the power of health prevention and wellness. Investing in preventive measures and promoting overall well-being isn’t just about…

  • Benefits Buzz May 2024

    Benefits Buzz May 2024

    Prescription Drug Report Is Due by June 1, 2024 Group health plans must annually submit detailed information on prescription drug and health care spending to the federal government. This reporting is referred to as the “prescription drug data collection,” or the “RxDC report.” The next RxDC report is due by Saturday, June 1, 2024, covering…

  • An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure

    An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure

    Health care is expensive but there is good news: Most insurance plans come with free preventive care and benefits.  There is a lot of confusion around what is and isn’t preventive care – and why it matters.  Here is what you need to know. What is Preventive Care and Why Is It Important? Preventive care…